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17th Beijing Art Exposition of 2014 finished with Turnover 220 million RMB
17th Beijing Art Exposition has been held from September 12 to 15 in Beijing Exhibition Center. As the theme activity of Second Beijing People Beneficial Cultural Consumption Season sponsored by People’s Government, this Art Exposition presents more than 6000 artworks from 100 galleries of 18 countries and areas. 55,000 people came to this exhibition for visit and purchasing the artworks, enjoy the art feast once a year; the spot turnover is 220 million RMB. The artworks of 30% galleries have been sold out, and the artworks of 80% galleries have got the deal, which confirmed the steady development of art market of China.

The Modern Fine Brushwork Academy headed by Wang Tiansheng president has boutique area participated by many masters, gathered Jiang Caiping, Guo Yizong, Nima Zeren, Su Baijun, Lu Yushun, one generation of famous artists of modern fine brushwork, at the same time the artworks of modern young and middle aged fine brush work have been presented with multielement themes, various style and moderate price, which all closed deals and signed agencies with many galleries.

Russia classic paintings are always the most welcomed and the highest turnover proportion exhibited artworks. This year is also going like this. The artworks brought from Han Shiang Gallery which represented Russia paintings, Ming Dian Galley, DARA Gallery and Unionart Ukraine from Ukraine have all closed deals, the turnover of each gallery is above millions RMB.

In order to celebrate “China and France Establishing Diplomatic Relationship for 50 years”, “Romantic France-- Oil Painting Exhibition of Enchanting France” has been held. Special displayed artworks with different styles of more than 10 French artists and galleries have also got the deals, and many French artists signed with emotion that China has a strong art market and Chinese collectors are so generous.

Beijing Art Exposition actively follows up the demand of art, presented different levels and different features artworks. “Modern and contemporary fusion”, putting forward various artworks catering the demand of collectors of different taste. For example, “New Prominent Show-Modern Middle Aged and Young Artists Artworks Treasury”, more than 30 young artists have attended this show. Since the prices are much lower than market price, the artworks have been sold out before the ending of the exhibition. In order to carry forward the traditional art, Chinese Ink and Wash Painting Show gathered Wang Tongren, Ke Tongzhi, Yao Tianmu and other artists. Their artworks have been sold more than 1 million RMB, and they have signed the gallery agency agreement.

At this Art Exposition, The Foundation of Beijing International Art Exposition set up the first Non-Profit Fund named by one artist’s name-“Liu Chunhua Art Fund”. This art fund has already issued 100,000 RMB as support to artist Hou Guanbin, and also award Zhang Yuan, Mi Qiaoming, Shiman, Zhuo Laicheng and Jin Zhulie “Liu Chunhua Art Award”.

This activity has achieved the double bumper of academic and market which not only enrich the cultural life, but also draw the consumption, also put forward the prosperous and development of Beijing Cultural Market.