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18th Beijing Art Exposition has got Persistent Overheating
---Art Master Zhu Shouzhen will be recommended

18th Beijing International Art Exposition will open from September 10 to 13 of 2015 in Beijing Exhibition Center. Since the beginning of exhibition work, the applied China and foreign art institutes, art association and exhibitors who got persistent overheating. Now there are more than 80 Art Institutes, Art Groups, Art Galleries and Art Agencies which confirmed their booths. Baolai International Galleries and Han Shiang Gallery from Taiwan, DARA ART Center from Ukraine, Isabelle Del Moral and ARTEC from France, Beiming Art Studio and Leona Craig Art (LC Gallery) from U.S.A, and Modern East Gallery from Japan, more than 20 European and Asian Galleries will attend the exhibition. Domestic famous art institutes: Chen Shaomei Art Seminar, Xie Zhiliu and Chen Peiqiu Art Seminar, Beijing Painting Academy, Beijing Fine Brushwork Art Academy, Beijing Artists Association, Beijing Culture Academy, Beijing Yinghe Art Gallery, Modern National Painting Academy, YuanHengTang Art Museum, Beijing East Industrial Gallery and Beijing JinXiuDongFang High Science and Technique Culture Company, 60’s strength galleries participate this art exposition.

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Picasso, Goat, Ceramics

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Yang Feiyun, Cloud in Northwest, Oil on Linen Canvas, 90x75cm


Zhu Shouzhen Embroidery Artwork, Mona Lisa


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Ding Shaoguang, Mother and Son, Oil Painting, 105x102cm

Looking back the 17th Beijing Art Exposition of 2014, there are 6000 artworks of more than 300 artists coming from 100’s art institutes, art academies, painting academies, galleries of 18 countries and areas, attracting audience 55,000 people. The turnover is 230 million RMB. The exhibited artworks of 30% galleries has been sold out. 60% galleries have got sales. The galleries of Russia, France and Taiwan have got hot deals. It is a grand occasions. More than 20 overseas exhibited agencies and exhibitors purchased the exhibition areas of 18th Beijing Art Exposition of 2015 in advance.

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He Duoling, Watching a Play, Oil on Linen Canvas, 80x60cm


Zhu Shouzhen, Embroidery Artwork, Mother and Son

This Beijing International Art Exposition will gather Chen Shaomei, Feng Zhonglian, Wang Geyi, Xie Zhiliu, Chen Peiqiu, Zhu Dequn, Ding Shaoguang, He Duocen, He Jiaying, Tian Canghai, Yang Feiyun, Wang Huichun, Wang Tiansheng, Shiqi, Guo Shifu, Lin Xinchuan, Chen Changzhi, Lin Qingping, Miao Zaixing, Fan Yang, Zhu Shouzhen, more than 40 modern and contemporary masters’ artworks, the exhibits cover oil painting, Fine brushwork paintings, water colors painting and sculptures. The venue area is 20000㎡. The venue will face the audience with new international pattern.

This exposition will recommend one of brightest stars---Zhu Shouzhen, and will exhibit her more than 200 embroidery artworks. Zhu Shouzhen is a Senior Industrial Artist of State Researcher level, and Golden Winner of Global Embroidery and Portrait Embroidery of Whole Series. She owns the sole skills of royal court embroidery family, has studied in China Academy and overseas professional art colleges. In many years, she explored, summarized, promoted and developed China embroidery, integrated Chinese painting, western painting and light and shadow high technique into embroidery, researched and developed various modern embroidery needle ways, at the basis of pursuit high realistically and abstract, artistic and personalized balance, form a combined system of deriving from oriental and sole modern art expressing method of today world. Her artworks of “Chairman Mao is in Lushan”, and “British Throne Queen Elizabeth” have been collected by many Presidential Palaces of developed countries. Her artworks “Mona Lisa”, “Girl at Seaside”, “Snow Panther”, and ”Spring” have achieved the golden prize of The Master of Arts and Crafts Boutique Exposition. Portrait embroidery “Picasso” has achieved the third prize of 26th World Art Festival in United Kingdom. In March 2013, the United Nation special invited her to attend the 57th World Women’s Conference, Zhu Shouzhen have been called “the only Top Contemporary Embroidery Artist”. Her original embroidery artwork “Mother and Son” has been first time collected by United Nation throughout history.


Zhu Shouzhen Embroidery Artwork, A Girl in a Mirror


Zhu Shouzhen Embroidery Artwork, Leopard

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Zhu Shouzhen, Embroidery Artwork, Garden

This Beijing Art International Art Exposition will present a grand and exquisite art banquet for majority amateurs, collectors, art investors and people with big scope and elegant artworks.This Beijing Art International Art Exposition will present a grand and exquisite art banquet for majority amateurs, collectors, art investors and people with big scope and elegant artworks.