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The association has been to the prosperity of the art creation as the center, vigorously carry out the work, in the capital, all the artist's efforts, in 20 years, creating a large number of outstanding works of deep thought, exquisite art, variety of styles, many of which works in the national art exhibition by the rewards and recognition, shows the strength of capital artists. Exhibition is an important work of Beijing Artists Association, 20 years Association Co hosted jointly, comprehensive, single painting exhibition, member of solo and group exhibitions, with national exhibitions and Joint Industry Exhibition and other kinds of art exhibition 365. In order to do a good job creation and run the high quality of the exhibition, the association actively guide and organization of the general membership into life, since 1980, the association membership organization in the city and around the country more than 60 times to sketch. With the creation of works analysis and theory seminar held more than 20 times, in creating works, achieved remarkable results of talents. At present, this will be a total of 2500 members, including members China Artists Association for 1187 people. In order to carry out activities, association established art committee, China oil painting art committee, cartoon art committee and book design, illustration art committee of art theory, Art Committee in preparation for the 2000, in order to strengthen the association of art theory work. 1980 June Association founded the organ "boats" (internal issue), to the end of 1985 a total of editing and publishing the 9 period, 1986 October (total tenth period) changed its name to "Beijing art communication", to 2000 has published 29 period. The magazine sent free membership. From 1982 to now, the association in the previous exhibition of outstanding works of art collection and acquisition of 855.