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Jinxiu Art belongs to the Jinxiu holding group, founded by senior collectors, Jinxiu Holdings Group chairman of the board of directors Guan Fei, mainly engaged in oil painting, sculpture, antique furniture and other works of art, collectibles investment and management, collection and auction. Has the organization structure, the management team, professional standards of domestic and foreign top art expert and investment consultant team, coming into the international first-class art investment fund. This exhibition is the main artist Mi Qiaoming. Mi Qiaoming, Chinese Artists Association member. Born in Liaoning Province in Dalian city. Graduated from the oil painting department of Academy of Fine Arts in Russia Repin, Cokolov studio graduate. Academy of Fine Arts doctoral student in Repin. Her works, innovation, pursuit of charm, hope that through her paintings to carry forward and show Chinese long culture art. The most direct expression of the oil painting "Peking Opera" series namely this thought.