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The 24th Beijing Art Expo advertising returns in 2024

The Beijing Art Expo is a large-scale art exchange event held in Beijing every year.

Time: September 6 - September 9, 2024

Venue: Beijing Exhibition Center

After 23 years of professional building, this expo has become an internationally renowned brand, in order to give full play to the advantages of the art fair's publicity media, will focus on promoting new products of enterprises, expand the visibility and influence of enterprises, is now a special launch of advertising returns.

Exhibition advertising and sponsorship program development

1. Sponsor qualification

Sponsors must be recognized by the committee with high visibility and reputation, and has a high brand influence of the enterprise.

2. Sponsorship advantage

The investment amount of 3.8 million yuan is the "exclusive sponsor unit", and the highest level of courtesy is tailored for your company; A full range of three-dimensional propaganda offensive, extensive dissemination effect, become the focus of attention in the industry.

3. Sponsor benefits

As the "sponsor unit" of the summit forum and the organizer's appreciation banquet, the sponsor will mark and display the LOGO at the most important position (including the backboard, etc.) on the site.

Special display area

Price: 800,000 yuan

To provide sponsors with 200 square meters of special exhibition and display area at the entrance or central area of the venue, to facilitate the promotion of corporate image and products, and to interact with visitors and buyers on site.

Media advertising

Price: 450,000

Satellite TV stations: CCTV4, Beijing TV Station, Tianjin TV, Shanxi TV, Ningxia TV, Henan TV, Hebei TV and other exhibition sites arrange professional media to interview the heads of enterprises.

Print media: Beijing Daily, Beijing Morning Post, Beijing Evening News, Beijing News, China Youth Daily, Art Daily.

Network media: Xinhua,, People's Daily, CCTV, China Economic Net, Sohu, NetEase, Sina, Phoenix,, 99 Art network, etc.

Video media: Youku Video, Phoenix Video, Sohu video, Tencent video, wechat, Weibo and APP mobile client, etc.

A total of more than 100 media published corporate promotional materials.

Pre-exhibition promotion

1. Invitation sponsorship (sponsorship fee 40,000 yuan, size as shown in the picture)





(1/3 A4 size)



RMB 40,000

Only 2 sponsors


2. Postal service

Direct mail service (200,000 yuan). Let the buyer know the latest products and information of your company in the first time! Our direct mail service is tailored for you to target the professional audience in the industry. The company profile and product profile provided by your company will be sent directly to the target buyer. You are welcome to participate in the design promotion, so that you can maximize your involvement in our activities.

Publicity in exhibition

1. Print sponsorship

(1) Ticket sponsorship (exclusive sponsorship of 80,000 yuan). Reward: 80,000 tickets, sold on site, allowing you to get the most marketing.

(2) Visit and exhibition card advertising (exclusive sponsorship of 30,000 yuan, including exhibition card, forum card, guest card, press card pendant). Return: All visitors and exhibitors will wear your company information visit card and exhibition card, before entering the exhibition hall can predict the corporate information, booth number, photographic memory, and the certificate is issued, with the holder to move around, is also a good mobile advertising, which is undoubtedly a value investment.

(3) Tour Guide (exclusive sponsorship of 30,000 yuan). Reward: During the development period, the audience guide will be delivered to the audience at the first time! Visitors arriving at the site will be provided with an audience guide to facilitate their visit. Its contents include: the list of exhibitors, the exhibition floor plan (marked with the booth number) and the introduction of the activities during the exhibition. The audience guide is the most effective way for your company to promote your products and brand to the audience.

(4) Handbag advertising (exclusive sponsorship of 50,000 yuan / 3,000 copies). Return: The use of bags printed with your company's logo by the audience to place the collected promotional materials is the best mobile advertising during the exhibition, and is an effective means to publicize and expand your company's popularity.

(5) Advertising in the journal (sponsorship of 30,000 yuan). Return: Exhibition journal, let you get the most exhibitor information! The exhibition catalogue will be distributed to exhibitors, industry visitors, consular staff, industry associations and even professional buyers who could not make it to the site. Even after the exhibition is over, international buyers can quickly access useful information from the exhibition catalogue, establish new contacts, seek the right products, and obtain quality services.

2. Outdoor advertising (300,000 ~ 500,000, depending on the actual situation)

Return: knife flag, light pole flag, outdoor exhibition rack, so that exhibitors and visitors before arriving at the exhibition hall to know the company's products and conditions, booth number, so that enterprises first, deepen the impression; Large three-dimensional propaganda body (cube), large three-dimensional propaganda body (triangular cone), direct advertising, billboards, with strong visual impact effect.

3. Indoor advertising (300,000 ~ 500,000, depending on the actual situation)

Reward: Main banners, banners, posters, lunch/rest area banners, hanging flags, backboard advertising, venue guide boards, roll up, pavilion title board LOGO, these forms of publicity can not only highlight the image of your company, but also attract visitors to visit your booth.

4. Forum and event sponsorship

(1) Sponsorship plan for the Summit Forum (exclusive sponsorship of 500,000 yuan). Return: not only can you have exclusive gold advertising space on the back board of the summit forum, there are 4 on-site display cards of the forum, corporate information is released with the forum information, the top person in charge of the enterprise gives a 5-minute speech, and the exclusive corporate publicity desk is placed around the signing place.

(2) New product launch (exclusive sponsorship of 800,000 yuan). Reward: We will launch a well-crafted platform to promote your products before and after the show. Before the exhibition, we will have a separate page on the website to publish the company's new product pictures, specifications, unique advantages, to attract more buyers' attention. At the same time, your company's new products, including the company name and booth number, will be printed on the billboard in the registration office during the development period.

(3) Reception dinner sponsorship (exclusive sponsorship of 500,000 yuan). Reward: As the "exclusive sponsor" of the government reception dinner of this exhibition, the person in charge can not only have the exclusive gold advertising space of 4 indicator boards for the dinner, 1 LoGO on the backboard of the banquet site, 1 roll roller of your company placed at the entrance of the dinner party, the top person in charge of the enterprise can also have a 20-minute speech, and the government leaders will meet at the dinner site. And dinner with government leaders and their invited guests.