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Wangpeikun Artworks
  Wang peikun was born in 1968, Liaoning, he is an artist stay in France, he is the member of France Artists Association, the member of France Independent salon association, he was graduated from Liaoning province arts and crafts association and Versailles.
Since 1995 Wang Peikun came in Beijing, he has deeply studied the ancient Beijing residential and has created series artworks of Chinese traditional architecture. Since 2000 coming to France for exhibition, and after the study in Versailles Academy of Fine Arts from 2007 to 2010, Wang peikun has seriously considered the relation between concrete image and abstract image, Asian drawing and Western drawing, he has made innovation in his style, and has make the reflection of what he thinks in his drawing.His artworks have more symbolic meaning and more connotation, which are fully affirmed in galleries and expositions.